Anyone know where to find high quality original INTEGRA logo?

I’m looking for a a high quality version of the INTEGRA logo to use for dimensions for a custom project I’m working on. I’ll be making some illuminated door sills that light up when the door is open and I want them to look extremely stock. I found a couple pictures of a pair of custom sills with the word ACURA on them just to give you an idea of what they look like. They will be designed more like the Subaru one, with a small but oem looking logo. They will consist of the oem door sills, a custom aluminum logo panel, and an electroluminescent sheet underneath. Gary, (Lownslowda9) agreed to make my two aluminum sheets using a CNC cutter, but is unable to go any farther with develoment without an accurate logo to base the cutters dimensions on. If any of you guys has a version of the logo saved on your computers or knows where to find one, please post it up. Thanks!

illuminated door sill 3.jpg

Nice, id be interested in getting a set ofthese plates as well. I could never find someone to cut them, i tried to use different materials and methods but all turned out badly. Can you go from a trunk badge or do you need it as digital/paper media?

second that,

ive always thought that look awesome:up:

I thought about the 90-91 hatch sticker, it would probably work. I’d just have to scale all the dimensions down to a reasonable size. I’m thinking the overall size of the aluminum piece would be a little under 2" tall and maybe 12" long. The logo would have to be even smaller than that. I wanted it to be a little bigger but once I measured the stock door sill I realized there’s actually not very much room to work with between the grooves.

Heres a company in Japan that makes them, but I’m sure I could make them myself for a lot cheaper than shipping the materials both ways would cost. They’re cool to use as a reference though!

Here you go :

That looks like exactly what I need. Thanks!

Lownslowda9 do you think that will work for you?