Anything on the market with l.e.d. tail lights for our DA's?

Anything on the market with l.e.d. tail lights for our DA’s? There’s the red/clear tail light close to oem i suppose but this got the crystal effect going on. Just wondering. I wouldn’t mind getting some if there were some.

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Ive actually looked also and found nothing. I want some to look stock but still habe the leds in them. Not any chromed out shitz. Hopefully some one will find some. Im interested too.

i haven’t seen any either i’m actually going to start a retrofit soon with LEDs. :: Index is a good resource if you plan on taking on a project like this.

^^yeah i tried looking for some again today. no luck. good luck on the retro fit… let us know how it goes!

Retro-solutions would probably do a retrofit, but not going to be cheap.