Auto antenna acting up.

my automatic antenna has been working fine up untill about a month ago. since then it wont always go all the way down, it will make this bumping noise like its trying to go down then it gives up. when it does go all the way down, it does this thing at the end.

it will go down then bump up really quickly, but its still all the way down.

I did the teg tip on the page, took it apart, turned that little rod to a side that isnt worn out, but it still have problems.

what should i do.

When mine stopped going down, I disconnected the motor and got a Zendar mini-racing antenna.

Maybe it could be a bit bent. Mine doesn’t work at all so I just pulled it up manually about 6 inches and it gets about the same reception as when it’s all the way up. I don’t even mind how it looks when it’s a bit up compared to all the way.

Jazz- did you put your new antenna in the stock opening or where the rear washer nozzle is?

Whenever your power antenna does that , that means the inside is striped out. either unplug the power input on the thing so it stays up all the time or get a new one. You can get one at
Circuit city for about 45.00

I have a sedan, so I put my antenna on the roof near the back windshield. Hopefully this pic will clear that up:

I agree with Jeff, the stock antenna SUCKS. I replaced the mast 2 times and then I was done. When I had my car painted I had the stock antenna shaved, and replaced the rear window squirter with a Zendar Roof Mount antenna. Not only does it not make the stupid noise, and look better, but it also gets better reception.