auto-x safety?

I need some help from the fellow auto-x’ers. I just went to my first event a couple weeks ago and Im starting to prep my car for STS, for next season. Im currently looking for a helmet and I need some help on picking one. Iv been looking around and found a pretty good deal.
My question is, does this fit the safety requirement? I really have no idea on which helmets are legal and illegal. If someone could help clear things up, that would be great.

Read the rules

See the rules. Yes, it is legal Snell SA2000 approved, but you are better off purchasing a SA2005 helmet if you intend to use it for any length of time. SA2000 and SA2005 are legal untill the next aproved starndards are released then the SA2000 will no longer be legal.

Which club are you going to run with? TSCC, THSCC, CCR? Some clubs just require DOT. You may just want to get a motorcycle helmet that Snell rated. The SA stuff is really expensive, but if you plan on ever doing solo 1 (track time trials), you’d already be set.

yea eventually I want to get into solo1 so I’d rather just spend the money now and not have to upgrade later.

oh yea and Im doin ccr