automatic shifter problems

ok, i just put in my new black dash. and for somereason i decided to take out the whole frame where radio goes out as well. and to take that out u gotta disconect the plugs going to the shifter.

so i put those back in and when i try to take the car out of park, the lock thing wont let me. it happens when car is off,car is on,foot on brake,foot off brake.

i have to use the key and put the car in Nuetral,then start the car, keep foot on brake then put in drive.

its a good security system but i dont want it like this.

anyone got any thoughts? i think its wiring but everything seems cool.

i need help


what i think is that the cable that goes to is is stuck or it broke so cheak out the cable first

alright thanks man

i don’t think its broken, b/c when mine broke it didn’t go into any gear but the one that it broke in (D)… there is a lil selnoid inside the linkage that tells it to engage the “locking system” so that you can’t shift…

either you damaged the selnoid or it needs to be reset or somthing… thats my .02$

I was just reading somehting in my Haynes manual about your problem…

the lock pin might be blocked by the shift lock lever. if it isn’t, adjust the position of the shift lock solenoid unitl it is.

to adjust it:

  1. Remove the shift lock collar and the solenoid pin.
  2. remove the self-locking nuts and the shift lock solenoid. discard the old nuts.
  3. installion is the reverse of removal. Don’t tighten the new nuts until you have adjusted the solenoid.
  4. to adjust the shift lock solenoid. energize the solenoid and check the clearance between the shift lock lever and the lock pin grove. and compare your measurement to the clearance list in this chapter.
  5. with the solenoid turned off, note whether or not the lock pin is blocked by the shift lock lever. if it isn’t, readjust the position of the shift lock solenoid until it is.

shift lock solenoid self-locking nuts … specs. 84in-lbs