awww sheeeit.

lookit the muthafucka beeer! i can post this here. cuz it was from G2IC party 2003 at D’s. :up:

nice loofa sponge :up:

You call that a lotta beer? I hope your other bathtub’s had keg’s in 'em :wink:

Shouldn’t this be in the G2IC Meet & Hangout Pics then? :wrong:

thats enough for me

Holla back

That was a tight party D, best party ive had in college, and it wasnt a college party :shrug:

hehehe. everyone says that was one of the best weekends they ever had. me included. :up:

LOL!! That was a great party! Here is the vid:

right click, save target as. 89MB!

already saved to my desktop :wink:

Im 12min through… :sad: :sad:

haha good times :up:

word. dood. i miss that weekend. so much fun. i have a video. from leeo’s cd. remember that girl with the big h00ters…when i took a shot from her bra…i have that video. i found leeo’s entire cd of pics and vids. :up:

:camreapansdown: hi marlene =)… :up:


someone has withdraws

all the -KEWERS- pretty much ruin that pic…

i think chris wanted those…:think: cant remember. you know, those prestons :roll: :stuck_out_tongue:

the queen of beers

you know, D, I distinctly remember sending you a blank videotape to get a recording of Leeo’s vids. which I never received… any idea where it is? :bored:

you know, i never got the cord to do so. if you want, ill buy you another blank tape.>:(