B16 Cable Mystery Transmission, synchros?

Hey guys, so I picked up a B16 Cable Transmission a while ago. It’s a small input shaft by the way! Got it in the car last summer and went great. Now I am wanting to replace the synchros and will be getting an OBX LSD.

My question is, what synchros will work? Are all cable synchros the same? Or will I have to wait until I can separate the case and count the gears?

Also Synchrotech sells synchro sets for the Y1/S1 and a different set for A1/J1/Y2
But the gear ratios for the J1 and S1 are the same and Y1 is different from the S1/J1??? Can someone please shed some light?


It sounds to me like you have an A1 tranny A B16 cable tranny is the same as a B17 tranny with exception on 5 gear

a b17 tranny has the large input shaft.

Yes sir gsr b17a has the large splines shaft. And interchangeable with 92 to 01 trans.
Honestly those 90, 91 trans are such a pain. Most issues on those were fixed with the 92+.