B18A1 Rebuild Rod Placing

Hey wassup guys I just spun a bearing on rod #2, the damage wasnt to bad but I went ahead and got me a good crank and ordered me some 10-4 compression pistons. On that 2nd rod how critical is it that you get THAT SPASIFIC 2ND ROD for that second spot, or does it even matter really?. Its been a whiles sence Ive done a motor my last one was for my 87 Integra on the D16A1 that comes in it but that was years ago.

“On that 2nd rod how critical is it that you get THAT SPASIFIC 2ND ROD for that second spot, or does it even matter really?”

… What? I don’t get exactly what you’re asking… The main issue is going to be the bearing surface of the rod, and subsequently, the bearing clearances.

Rods can be swapped, cylinder to cylinder… they’re all the same. As I said the issue is correct bearing/oil clearances.

I was asking if it really matered whitch rod to put on witch slot u know like could I us the rod on cylinder rod on 2 or 3 and be fine… but u already answered that for me though man thanks.