Back in a db1

Hello everyone like title says i recently bought a db1 but let me start off with my history on integras.
My first integra was a 90 LS that i bought for $1300:

after i dropped it:

drove it for a while and then rings gave out took the motor out planning to rebuild it but time passed i lost interest and just sat there for a good 6 months and sold it a couple months ago

Bought a 91 Da for $1200 and current daily:

Ok so now just recently i bought my neighbors db1 after bugging him for a couple of months for him to sell it to me he finally did and bought it for $1000:

my yin and yang

Yaaay more DB1 owners. haha I have a white 92 RS DB1

Yea i saw ur thread on db1s and ur car and i just had to buy one again