
I took out the backseats to my car… I dont want backseats in my car anymore b/c i dont like a lot of people riding with me and I would like to put one 10 where the backseats used to be… how hard would it be to build a piece of board to cover the bottom and make a back for that so that it encloses the trunk… I want it to look good also tho… Should I just keep my backseats?? Any opinions would be great thanx…

In my opinion, if your not going to spend a lot of money on building a good, LIGHTWEIGHT enclosure to cover your whole back then keep the backseats. I say this because if you just use plain old wood, then your car is going to weigh a whole lot more and trust me, you will feel a difference.

However, if you were to do something with say plexiglass or whatnot, then go for it…

But that is just my opinion. The only opinion that matters is yours because it’s your project.