Battlefield 4 Discussion thread (Live stream inside available until E3 ends)

Yesterday was a big day for Battlefield fans. For those that felt Battlefield 3 left a lot to be desired, I think you’ll enjoy what you see regarding Battlefield 4.

First, this 17 minute gameplay footage of the single player mode:

Next, I offer a couple of trailers.
Multiplayer Trailer:
Commander Mode Trailer:

I’d also like to put this out there. This is some live BF4 Multiplayer action from the debut at E3. It looks a bit scripted, but it showcases a lot of power and possibilities of the new Frostbite 3 engine. If you felt the “advanced destruction” of Battlefield 3 was weak, I have no doubt this will redeem it for you.
“The whole damn tower?”

For PC players, you get all the bells and whistles expected. 64 Player matches, high res, and as many frames per second as your rig can handle.
Console players on the PS3 and Xbox 360 will get a new experience. They’ll still be 720p and 30fps, but the textures, etc. are going to be reasonably better. Improved from BF3, but those consoles just won’t compare to PC or Next Gen consoles.

PS4 and Xbox One players will get the “PC Treatment” this time. You’ll get the same 64 Player matches, 1080p, and 60fps. (Compared to the 720p and 30fps of previous console installments, this will be a nice improvement.)

Want to see a live stream of the multiplayer action? This will be available until E3 wraps up in a few days. This looks truly amazing.

In other words, “BUY BF4 YO!” Edit- for PS4

Should be be exciting.

It’ll be shit, Just like BF3. BF2PC was the end of the best. :frowning: