Black plastic pieces under car...

Hey all… I am wondering if taking off those black plastic pieces (under the car, between the engine and the ground) would hurt? One part of it is starting to fall off and I don’t think I wanna mess with it anymore…Thx… -Sam

It won’t hurt anything at all. I have almost all of them off for a while now and don’t have any problems at all. Engine bay might get a bit dirty faster though.

It’ll add drag to your car! But only if you’re big on high speed runs. :slight_smile:

Would you be able to notice the drag from taking them off if you hit 90+ mph very seldom? What would happen if a rock got between your pulleys and belts :shock: ? [yikes] Thx… :slight_smile:

I ran my car without those things for over 3 years and didnt have anyproblems with it. I doubt you would even tell theres drag.