Blocking off coolant ports

Hey there folks,

I recently picked up a block plate for my FITV port (made by Route66Mods) and briefly spoke about my options with an old time Honda tech regarding the delete of the valve and blocking-off of the coolant ports that passed through the old valve and the coolant bypass ports with thick rubber caps designed for it and he suggested I replace the valve with a longer coolant hose, and leave the bypass line alone since he claims that “it may disrupt the natural flow of things” and I “may run the risk of overheating” or just running at higher temps in closed loop.

Now while I value his opinion he does not always come across as very convincing, and since he’s an ex-dealership guy I figure he’s just used to doing things mostly by-the-book.

However i’d like to know if it’s completely safe to cap off the ports that run coolant through the FITV, and throttlebody on your DA’s/B-series motors.

Please share your thoughts and experience, I have everything I need but I REALLY don’t want to overheat, I already did the head gasket on my B18A1 this year.
