blox stage 2 Cam Timing

i’m putting blox stage 2 cams in my da. i have a b16 and i’m starting an n/a build. i have heard that you do not need to tune afterwords… but i’m pretty skeptical about that. just wondering if i could get your input.


you dont NEED to tune… but its recommended for better performance and drivability

Just like what was said above, you will get the most out of it if you tune. It’s kind of like when you do a I/H/E mod. The car realizes that there is either more air or denser air so it counters by adding more fuel, and it flows better which obtains more power; BUT, although they are minor mods, you would get better results with a tuning, because instead of your computer figuring out that it needs to add more fuel with more air, it KNOWS to add the appropriate amount of fuel. The ecu should be able to recognize that there is more air being pulled in due to larger cam profiles, which means more fuel should be added. When tuned properly, you get a specific fuel map along with an appropriate ignition map, resulting in more usable power and better reliability. Changing cams also changes timing usually, more power because of efficient ignition timing, which can still be achieved if the cams are degreed in properly like they are supposed to, but again, the ignition and fuel map/timing would be best with a tune.

Realistically, it’s up to you. Upgrading to bigger cams will make it noticeably faster without a tune. With a tune, it will be faster still and more reliable.

With cams that stage you need supporting modifications to get the true potential from them. But to answer your question, yes you do need to tune. Here’s why. The stock ecu map will adjust to changes in enviornment, however they are small, too small to take any advantage of the larger camshafts. What the ecu will do, is notice a major change and compensate with fuel to keep the engine safe, i.e. run rich. You should notice more black smoke out the exhaust, if you don’t tune, when you drive.

Cams such as those, should be degreed properly, to find the proper settings based on the measurements provided by blox. The spec sheep should have them written there. This will also tell you exactly how many degrees of timing you can change/adjust with the cam gears safely, to avoid piston to valve contact.

Tuning will re-map the ecu program, to allow for the major change you have given the engine package. Air/fuel will change, ignition timing will change, and if you get on a dyno, camshaft timing might also change to get you the power you want.