bopsocool 91 Ls budget build

currently its at my neighbor house getting its body work done.

as you can see i tried to do it myself. being a dumbass i should’ve left it alone

so this is how she sit at the moment. been here like a week already.

update. i already got front an rear 92-93 bumper. front is new. back is from a junk yard. upgraded my shifknob to a Miata 5 speed. i will post picture later.

also i upgraded my seats to delsol will have pics of that later as well. note that i already started building this since 6 months ago and the pics arent in order so bare with it.

The wheels are crazy easy to re-polish. Keep up the work!

I know you’re trying to go low budget but I would definitely recommend NOT cutting your springs like that. Suspension is important, and not that expensive for a decent setup. I personally would not drive on springs like that. Just my .02, you dont have to take my advice.

Rest of the build looks good!

[QUOTE=rollinmyda;2302473]I know you’re trying to go low budget but I would definitely recommend NOT cutting your springs like that. Suspension is important, and not that expensive for a decent setup. I personally would not drive on springs like that. Just my .02, you dont have to take my advice.

Rest of the build looks good![/QUOTE]

Ahahah . I know what you mean . I just did it since I was gonna replace them anyways. I have already order the cheap eBay adjustable coil over with the front camber kits. I’m slowly gathering parts for the build. I will be using majority no name brand or I can find a deal on name brand I will use that. I appreciate the advice.

I read plenty of d.i.y wheel polish step. It time comsuming and i dont have a extra set of wheel. i ended up picking up the blade and had to sacrifice my steelie in the deal.The day I purchase some rims ,that probably when I’ll actually give it a try

Definitely do things right the first time. Takes so much more time and money to re-do things a second time around.

Body work, suspension, motor work, all of it needs to be done correctly and reliably or else it won’t last.

I’m not saying everything has to be name brand… but it’s good to buy stuff that has gotten good feedback from its buyers.

update , got burnt on 250. for body work… smh

here are the pics of the del sol seats.

also a few parts i ordered.

not in order. but finally painted !!!

bump, spun rod bearing after a replace head gasket. power of the LS was to powerful. now im doing wire tuck and swapping b20

Ls so powerful it blew itself? i’m lost lol, maybe you ran it low on oil?:up:

Not to nit-pick, but rebuild it using quality parts…

Those eBay gasket sets for $50 are shit. At a very minimum use a FelPro set from AutoZone… But I would really recommend OEM gaskets/bearings/seals. There is a reason they last 200k miles if maintained properly.

Sucks that it blew though… never any fun.

Cut springs & Ebay HG’s? Hold yourself to a higher standard or you are just going to ruin the car and wish you took your time to do it right. How long do you plan to keep it?

forever LOL. spend alot of money on it already. this time ima do it right. no more cut spring actually. i put it on ebay spring. but i will get another set up

[QUOTE=unified112;2306457]Not to nit-pick, but rebuild it using quality parts…

Those eBay gasket sets for $50 are shit. At a very minimum use a FelPro set from AutoZone… But I would really recommend OEM gaskets/bearings/seals. There is a reason they last 200k miles if maintained properly.

Sucks that it blew though… never any fun.[/QUOTE]

yeah i know. lession learn. its no longer a budget build

technically it had oil. after the headgasket was replace. the Engine power came back to normal felt “like how a Ls should run”… but before it didnt even go pass 5500 rpm. cylinder 4 rod bearing was starving for oil. lol no wonder why my oil light blink from time to time.

Replace the pump, if you’re rebuilding the motor.

No longer re building. Swapping a low compression JDM b20. Looking for tips on what to keep or change or from other block. But can’t find the thread. I’ve seen the thread before . But I guess when you need it you can’t find it.

search function “b20 swap” No way you won’t find that info. Easiest swap ever.

Found it already , now I have a problem. I stripe the size 14 hex bolt for where the oil switch goes too. Now I’m trying to figure out how to take it out.

here a pic of when i did the head gasket. also got some goodies.