Buddy club lip?

Can somebody help me find a buddy club front lip for a 91LS?

I think you mean the chargespeed lip, since buddy club doesn’t have one for DAs i think

Ah I see. Thanks for that link. I saw this amazing piece of machinery and thought it was a buddy club lip but now it looks like a charge speed. US racing front lip looks sick too.

no prob dude, and hell yeah, that is one bad ass car. just not sure about what the buddy club stickers are about

Got any links where I can find a chargespeed and/or us racing lip? I know these are rare items but any help out there would be appreciated.

hrm i was going to say www.sportcompactonly.com but i just searched their site and apparently they don’t have em anymore, and that was the only place i could find

(III) that lip is truly a Buddy Club lip. I remember a while ago I almost purchased one but I didnt even own the db yet, and it was a bit expensive.

jkeno112 is another guy on here who has one.

Wow. Rare item. Thanks superchi, maybe theyll restock. Ima keep checkin that site untill maybe something pops up locally.

Rev-Auto should be able to get the Chargespeed lip. Buddy club, thats a long story.

Back when I was considering on buying this lip I found it here http://www.versusmotorsport.com/product_info.php?pName=bcai90cs303fl1&mName=charge-speed for a nice woppen $315… and its the Type 1 lip

well now that I think about it, I remember they looked alike, but the one I was looking to buy was advertised to me as Buddy Club…DA Jellie, what do you mean “long story”??

ah, so there is a buddy club one. good to know, but i definitely don’t have the 300 bones to drop for one of those though :\

thats the only style that’d make me flip for a 90-91 bumper, but I’m having enough trouble finding a fiberglass type-S lip.