I just got the ObX camber kit in the mail. It is said that they are actually made by Ingalls with the OBX stamp on the box. This front kit came with metal washers on the outside of each bushing along with a little plastic peice holding the washers onto the outside of the bushing on either side of the kit. I dunnoif I should snap them off or leave them on…or what! Can you guys help me out…also any picture sof Ingalls kits would be appreciated.
Also, did any of you use the collar washer thingy that goes around the stud? I didn’t use it because it didnt seem like it would fit in the hole with the stud.
yeah you need to take off the collar on the stud. not sure about your things on the ends of the bushings though… sounds like it’s jus there to keep it all in place while its in the package to me. got a pic of it? did your kit come with any instructions?
It looks like this. what just looks like a white bushing under a little white clip type thing is actually a washer over the bushing. The white clip goes all the way into the kit, and makes the etyh long washer that the stock bolt goes through fit sturdy in place.