Can this rear ended vehicle be repaired?

Can this rear ended 1991 Integra RS be repaired? If so, how much will I be expecting to pay for the repairs? It’s definitely much more practical to just let her rest in peace, but the vehicle means so much to my family. We are finding it hard to part ways.

Here are some photos.

We’ve done numerous quarter panel replacements… And honestly you’re looking at about $2,500 for just the (exterior)quarter panel replacement and paint.

That’s not including rear-wing glass, rear bumper, hatch, tail lights, tail panel… And that’s all just exterior stuff. You’d need a rear bulkhead replaced (like a radiator support, but for the rear. It’s the inner skeleton) if not side-bulkhead as well…

Realistically you’d be in the ballpark of 8k for the repair of your car. Sadly the car has permanent frame damage and would probably never drive straight again.

That’s what I thought. Bummer.

And that damage is a LOT more than a quarter panel, there’s serious structural damage to the chassis under all those body panels. The whole rear sections of the frame rails are heavily damaged and you can even see how far forward the quarter panel is pushed past the rear edge of the door. And the damage extends up to the top around the quarter window and on the roof panel.

No, to much damage to the rear and it would need major work just to make the rear hatch line up and seal off from the rain.

great parts car :frowning: