Can't find the official gun thread..

…i know we had one. Fuck it. Now we have a new one.

Kickin it off with this sexy lil addition. Was going to order something in 30mm flavor for it, but then realized I won’t be shooting the .308 much between now and Texas, so I just decided to not shoot it at all…and stole the scope. :giggle:

Hogs and yotes by night, and we’re taking archery tackle for deer as well. Have an IR illuminator to put on it, but honestly I don’t think I’ll need it much, if at all.

Or those holes in the hand guard so you can hand the rifle from a nail?



Im going to build my AR for .308, my friends shoot AK’s and the ammo ive been finding is cheaper than .223. Where would you suggest getting a quality complete upper and a lpk for a .308 AR

.308 is not cheaper than .223…and your friends shooting AKs are likely shooting 7.62x39mm. .308 is 7.62x51.

along with that, if you don’t have a .308-compatible lower, you won’t be able to build for it. .308 AR’s utilize completely different-dimension lowers, uppers, and damn near everything else save for a few parts here and there. stick with 5.56.

Or build a 7.62x39 AR. My brother shoots his 7.62x39 more than his .223. His .308 AR just sits pretty in his gun case because of ammo cost.

Here my 8" pistol in 7.62x35 aka 300aac/blk
Great for reloading.

Everything off the shelf standard 556 AR parts (bolt, mag, buffer, frame) except the barrel.

1976 remington nylon 66


Here my 8" pistol in 7.62x35 aka 300aac/blk
Great for reloading.

Everything off the shelf standard 556 AR parts (bolt, mag, buffer, frame) except the barrel.[/QUOTE]

very nice. 300’s on my short list. have an aero lower and upper for it, plus a BCG ready to roll. just need a barrel (waiting on a specific one to come back in stock) and some other random parts for the lower. plus dies. :wink:

have 208 amaxes like whoa for subsonics for the .308 bolt gun, but need the trimming setup to convert some of my 3k+ rounds of 5.56 brass into some blackout brass.

On the dies, make sure you get a good small base full length resizer. Some of the dies out there for 300blk aren’t up to par.

I’m currently using the rcbs small base x series resizer, lee bullet seater and factory crimp.

On the trimmer I use a harbor freight mini saw to cut the necks off, a Lee cutter with a spacer for macro trimming, forster 3in1 for final length.

Honestly you don’t need that many. Ive shot over 1000rds with the same 100 brass supersonic load, and so far I’ve only threw out 1 because the neck cracked, the rest were my own fault…trimming too much, smashed it with the press, neck bulge from compressed loads.

Its lot of work too convert brass. I use a brass catcher even tho it looks retarded.

Horsey helps a man build an AK:

Put in my jewell BR trigger. All I have to say is this is a huge improvement and really meets the definition of hair trigger. I normally hate single stage triggers (ie geiselle 3gun,ACT,qms) but this made me a believer again.