Car cranks but not start have searched for days

was running car fine when it stalled…check engine bay and distributer came off (dont ask how because im still puzzled) any how tried putting it back and car only cranks…

have check:

fuel pump
main relay
spark plugs/ got new cABLES think it would be that and nothing
§§§§§ cap/ rotor
also got the firing order fine

been searching this forum and other ones and nothing

man, are you saying your distributor fell off while the car was running? Thats nuts.

Anyway, if that is what happened either your distributor is not broken and useless, or possibly your timing is all messed up…Or both.

You need to try another known working distributor first and check your timing. Maybe someone else that knows more about this can chime in here but I would check to make sure your timing belt hasn’t jumped a tooth or anything as a result of the distributor falling off th car.

the reason why you havent had any luck with searching is because I think you may be the first guy ever who had the distributor fall off the car while running.

Are you getting spark?? If the distributor cap fell off while running, it most likely shorted out the ignition coil.

@Zenmachine: I dont see how timing would have been affected…

if the distributor fell of his ignition timing would be messed it would have to be retimed.

Yes i know that ignition timing would have to be retimed, but Zenmachine explicitly said to

check to make sure your timing belt hasn’t jumped a tooth or anything as a result of the distributor falling off th car.

edit: Its partly my fault that you misunderstood since i failed to say mechanical timing in my previous post

@ wise old dragon: Clearly I dont know what I am talking about. :smiley: I didn’t know if his problem could make the timing belt jump or not…I stand corrected.

To the OP: As wise old dragon suggested check for spark. I always have a spare distributor on hand to make for easier diagnosis.