car is rattling, help!

  1. I just want to make sure what this is- when my car is cold, or just as I start up my engine rattles pretty loud (Ican hear it from inside the car), I was wondering if it was my valves?

  2. when my car is cold it also kind of makes a whinning or sqeaking noise from a take off (like when I pull away from a stop sign, or from a stop) like when I start to press the gas, but I haven’t let the clutch out all of the way.

Also, I have found one of my problems being my dis. is shot, would that be the reason for the rattling? I can hear the bad bearing moving around if I put my haed up to it?

Thank you, sorry I’m babbling on:D

Re: car is rattling, help!

Originally posted by caliquick_teg
1. I just want to make sure what this is- when my car is cold, or just as I start up my engine rattles pretty loud (Ican hear it from inside the car), I was wondering if it was my valves?

I have read that B18a’s have a sort of “loose” valvetrain and the lifters (thingies that act on the cams then the valves, I think thats what they are called) move around a little. Also B series injectors click a lot. My teg has both noises.


so does that mean I’m ok? I was wondering if a valve sdjustment may do some good? Thanks Ben:up:

Try using a screwdriver… a pretty long one. Hold the metal end against the valve cover and put your ear against the handle. This acts like a stethoscope and you can hear if the ticking is coming from there (valves). You can also do this on the injectors to see if they’re ticking.

If it’s the valves, a valve clearance adjustment will certainly help (and hey, it never hurts… well… unless you do it all wrong…) :wink:

I don’t know how cold you’re talking about, but it was about -20C here today, and my car was a little noisy on startup. In this case, best thing you can do if a warm garage isn’t an option, is just take it easy on the car til it warms up… not just on the throttle, but shifting, steering… But if you’re talkin about your car’s just been sitting overnight, but not in freezing conditions or anything, then any noises should disappear very quickly. Again, you can use the screwdriver trick to determine which components are making the noises.

Originally posted by 90RioGS
If it’s the valves, a valve clearance adjustment will certainly help (and hey, it never hurts… well… unless you do it all wrong…) :wink:

Yeah, just try a valve adjustment (very easy, follow the helms/chiltons manual). It may help, but your motor will always rattle a little.


yeah I know that,my motor will always rattle a bit, but I don’t care as long as it’s nothing wrong with my car:up: