I got a CEL that was on, but when I drove my car around the next day the CEL is no longer on.
There is a code stored, Code 43.
Question is: is this how it’s supposed to be? The CEL only comes on once, or should it stay on?
If it doesn’t come back on does that mean the problem went away, even though a code is stored in my ECU?
I need to smog this thing soon…
u might wanna fix that anyways. i dunno exactly how to fix 43, but i’d assume u’d do the simple lil tune up fixes. change fuel filter, i think it has to do with ur mfr, but if thats old, change that too while ur at it.
check ur timing and vacuum lines too.
So if the CEL is off but code is in ECU does that mean the problem is still there?
Does a stored code make the car run rich just like if a CEL were on?
thats most likely means it had a temperary malfuntion and is now working properly again.
Ive never had a code 43, but squeezethis suggested a great starting point.