im not sure where to post this.
whenever anyone strips thier valvecover they use aircraft stripper. it smells, burns is toxic and u have to use it outside.
i just bought some CITRISTRIP cuz i was getting paint off my baseboard heater, and i decided to use it on my spare valvecover. it stripped the paint off WAY better than aircraft remover, didnt smell bad, you can use it inside! but u have to brush it on. WORKS SOOOOO GREAT! please, stop using aircraft stripper and stard using citristrip. i bought mine from LOWES or HOME DEPOT. now to make this thread searchable\
nice find! I found it a little annoying to have to work with the aircraft paint remover ourside and use it in a good place that all the globs make it down the sewer.
Now its time to google it and post a pic for reference.
does it really strip better? because i’ve been using 4 bottles of aircraft remover and there is still paint on my rims. it really sucks…how much does it cost?
ntegraLS: have u tryed a wire wheel on an angle grinder to get the rest of that paint off? if u dont have an anglegrinder i suggest u go out and get one, they have a million uses. like grinding