Cleaning tail lights, easy way.

Ok, i read that you can sand down and buff head lights. To make them look stock again. Can you do the same to the tails?.. also the inside of my tails are getting gross, i heard you can mix some Mean Green and water and let it soak in the inside of the tail light to clean it out, without taking the lens off. Is this true?

Thanks fellas.

yes and yes

Another way to restore the outside of the lenses and skip the sanding part is to get a good agressive cut polish like G3 and use a power polisher on slow speed so as not to generate too much heat. Thats what I do with mine when I do the car and they come up awsome.

Awesome, thanks guys.

Check Teg Tips

I cleared out my taillights with bleach and water, replaced the gaskets, and to clean them up, i wet-sanded them down with 1000 grit and then used Rust-Oleum “crystal clear enamel” (you can get this at your local hardware store for under 5$ a can and to get the best results i have this plastic gun looking thing that hooks onto the spray can and makes the coats more even)and then wet sanded again and then recoated…they look so shiny, almost better than coming off the factory floor.