cleaning the paint

well, i had my white car covered for the last two months with what i thought was a good tarp. turs out the tarp was used to catch the oil from other motors before i got to use it. over the past two months the sun has been baking the oil into the paint. the car looks brown now. ive spent tweo days scrubbing and it looks like i got nowhere. my skeet skeet arm is tired. i’ve used dish soap and ive used car wash soap. sprayed some engine degreaser on it and nothing yet. any suggestions?

Go to any auto parts store and get whats called (Mothers clay bar kit) I manage a car wash in Co. and I have used this for many different impefecions in the paint including paint overspray, Tar and others. If that dosnt work get back to me, Ill subscribe to this thread. :bow:

sorry it took a while to post but i got the oil off. loads of elbow grease.

Sometime it just take a little lovin elbow grease:argh: