Clearing 91 Taillights????

Is it possible to clear out the top of 91 taillights? Tried to search an answer but no luck. I want to rid of that pinkish lens, if there is one. Anybody know if its possible? Or tryed it on a 91 even better. Thanks

try a search again, there is a lot of info on this out there.

yes, they can be cleared (same procedure as for 92-93’s), however, they will be really ugly looking. The outer lense is different than the 92-93’s, so its not an appealing look.

for your search type in “clearing taillights” and you’ll get all the info you need (and more). There is even a post by me that will come up. Its from when i cleared a 90-91 tail and it didn’t turn out as pretty as a 92-93 would have.

Yes, they can be cleared, and they do look ugly if you REMOVE the plastic piece that has the pink stripes on it, but if you SAND that piece down, it will turn white, and you will have the clear look that you are looking for. I actually did this with another member just yesterday, and it came out looking awesome.

All you do once you pry the lenses apart is take the plastic piece that has the pink stripes on it, sand it down using a lighter grit sandpaper (it will go red, then black, then white as you sand down the layers), and finally use a little polishing compound to get rid of any scratches. Place it back into the light and put the lense and plastic housing back together.

I have cleared my 92 tails on my GS-R, and to tell the truth, I like the look of the 90-91 tails better!!

Originally posted by Essence
Yes, they can be cleared, and they do look ugly if you REMOVE the plastic piece that has the pink stripes on it, but if you SAND that piece down, it will turn white, and you will have the clear look that you are looking for. I actually did this with another member just yesterday, and it came out looking awesome.

Got any pics of this???

, I like the look of the 90-91 tails better!!


Thanks fellas. Essence, thanks for the feedback, was going to call it quits until u gave ur 2 pennies.

No pics yet (we did take pics, just waiting for them to be developed) but will post them as soon as we get them.

please post the pics of the final product. Mine are 91’s and i keep getting vibes that clearing it out looks like butt… i’ve been wanting the 92-93’s so I can clear the yellow’s out of those… but if the 90-91’s look good… i will just do those instead…!!