i’ve decided that i’m going to attempt this…
through searching numerous threads, i’ve gotten alot of info but still have a couple questions for those who have done this mod
the oven method seems to be most well liked…now, i’ve read a thread that says you should remove the tail lights gasket while another said you don’t need to? so which is better and consequences? i’m afraid that even though its possible to leave them on that at the end of the entire process, the gasket will be all warped (from all the heating and cooling) so i’ll have to remove them anyways.
everyone seems to have used different sealants from automotive to silicone kitchen/bathroom caulk…which is best?
additional suggestions on the overall process besides having some “test” tail lights, being patient, and constant reheating to avoid lens breakage?
i’ve never taken out the amber reflector for the turn signal but thought this would be more of a pain than its worth. go for a nice set of 90-91 and clean them out.
Hey Willbad i cleared my 92-93 taillights using the oven method. i removed the gasket before cooking. the only problem i had was being scared of melting/warping my lights all crazy, so i was making it way harder then it had to be by trying to pry them loose when the glue wasnt hot enough. you wont melt them. i wouldnt say its easy, but its worth it.
as for sealant i dont remember what i used.
p.s. while you have the tails off your car take the time to sand off the little letters and numbers
ls/vtecstitch: although the cleared 90/91 tails do look good, IMO the 92/93 cleared are way better…and plus i have a 93
fasthatch: hey thanks for the reply man.
any techniques to make the prying easier? what did you use to pry?
also, near the vents, there’s a piece of rubber…i don’t suppose you took that off?
in removing the gasket, did you just glue the stock ones back on? or did you get the foam weatherstripping like some of the archived threads suggested? any leaks?
to make the prying easier= turn up the temp on the stove
i used a large flat head screw driver and a putty knife
yes i removed all the rubber and just super glued it back on afterwords
no leaks here but i live in new mexico
I slowly pried the cover off… (do it a little at a time)… I also only pried it just enough to get the yellow piece out then I closed it up right away (re-using the old glue)
I also took the rubber and plastic piece off the corner of the light. I did mine over 3 years ago and it still doesn’t leak (most leaks come from the back of the light not the outside)…I used some clear silicon around the edge, but that was it…
fasthatch: thanks for the comment regarding the putty knife…made things so much easier
definitely recommend the putty knife (anything with a flat edge like that, to make the prying more evenly distributed rather than concentrated on a small spot)
i’ve finally got around to doing this since i had finals…
i’ve only pried them apart, haven’t assembled them back yet
it wasn’t as tough as i thought but it does take a little patience like everyone says
for the most part, the pics i took look like the pics off the link posted by kyle10182…however i can post them if anyone is interested