I was wondering if someone could take pictures of all the brackets associated with the clutch cable and the proper routing. None of the manuals I have show the brackets. I think I might be missing one near the firewall. I have had tons of problems breaking clutch cables. I tighten the cable and it gets loose quick. I re-tighten and same happens. At a point where the cable is just too tight and breaks. I have gone through about a dozen over the past few years.
I have the bracket on the transmission and one on the valve cover… Any more?
I have a 93 LS Hatch.
I have a 90LS hatch. Aside from the transmission there is the valve cover bracket and another near the firewall. The firewall bracket is Y shaped and supports the clutch cable and places a brake booster hose above the cable. It attaches to the shock tower part of the body with a 10mm bolt. I took a pic and labeled it. Its kind of an odd shape so I put arrows in, haha. This was the only angle that made sense to take a pic of, its an odd shape in an awkward spot. I hope this helps.