Clutch pedal jumps back at me when taking off

Ok guys, bare with me. I just bought a this car and i HAVE driven standard cars before, but this car is weird to me. Whenever I try to take off in first gear, I get about halfway up from letting the clutch go, and it springs back at me, no super hard just hard enough to wear I dont think its normal. One of my mechanic friends told me I need to adjust the pedal. But will that help with the springing back?

Of all the da9s i have drove they all seem to do exactly what you’re explaining. My guess is that it’s a dried out clutch cable, on my car specifically if you repeatedly press and release the clutch while in neutral it seems to smooth out. I just bought a new cable because my boot ripped and the cable is frayed. I’ll let you know if there’s any difference once it’s installed