Coin Holder Fix

I’ve never seen a DA with a working coin holder and having that hole in my dash was pissing me off, especially since I want to mount my Speedohealer for the S2000 cluster in it.
Here’s the cheap/quick/ghetto repair I came up with.

Small screw bit
small drill wall screw
#2 Phillips screw driver
power drill

I started by drilling a pilot hole where the broken ‘leg’ was (this usually holder the coin holder in place but seems to always break).

Here’s the screw I used:

I then put the coin holder in the under dash panel and screwed the dry wall screw in. If you put it in tight the coin holder will not sit flush.

BAM! Works perfect (ignore mine all cut up because I’ve got my Speedohealer mounted in there).

I did pretty much the same thing but use a nail and cut it off so it was like a peg

my coin pocket it still mint :angel:

I hate you.

lol mine is mint to :slight_smile: i think i have 2 driver side panels with the coin holder just dont know where i put it

Mine is mint too. lol

i have 3 extras… just incase. lol :angel:

Mine is intact too. It’s in such an out-of-the-way spot I don’t think I even noticed it until I owned the car for several months. How is it that it would get destroyed or damaged?

You’ll find out the first time you use it. :slight_smile:

lol mine waz mint and in perfect working condition then i decided to drill a hole in da back n tuck away the cruise control in there lol for my relocation

This happened also with my Teg. I don’t use it tho, it seems that every time I close it my coins get tossed under the dash somewhere.

I have only one.

Thats super weird because I’m on my fourth DA and the coin holder was mint on all four. I didnt even know it was a problem.

Coin holder??? Lol, i still have my mint cupholders…but i def dont think i have a coin holder haha

my coin holder broke on one side when i tried to take off the dash some years ago. I fixed it by super gluing a piece of toothpick as the hinge. Now it’s good as new and can hold up a full set of quarters

Are we talking about the tiny one to the left of the steering wheel? Those are a dime a dozen in working condition at the junk yard…