color sanding...

I have been looking into getting my car re-painted and getting everything to look choice, and part of that is fixing my clearcoat. Black car + Desert sun = trashed clearcoat! I thought they would have to repaint the car, but they said they could “color sand and re-clear it” and it would be fine. My question: WTH is color sanding? What exactly do they do? Is this something I could do myself and then have them shoot the clear? Would it be better to sand & prep the car and then have the whole thing repainted, or would the color sanding thing work?
TIA… :rockon:

if the color under the clear coat is dammaged(which i think it is) it would be best too repaint the whole car, the reason for that is matching the paint that is very hard to do, but it is possible. but if the clear coat is the only problem, yes thay will just wet sand it and then put a new clear coat over top of the paint…If i was you i would leave it alone and let then do all the work, i tmight cost more but if anything goes wrong it is your fault, if something went wrong thay would try to say it from you sanding it… so leave it how it is, look around for the best deal and get the whole car redone… (if you have a DC post some pictures and i will tell you what needs to be done before you take it back to them so thay dont rip you off)… good luck

tell them you want a 2003 ppg or dupont clear coat … :slight_smile: