CraigsList Rant

So there’s this guy who has a crashed integra on CL and he’s parting out. I needed a specific part and sent him a picture. It’s the bulb holder for the fogs in the jdm one piece head lights. This was on Thursday and I called him explaining where to look. He said he can’t find it. I told him that he won’t be able to see it from outside and that he’ll need to take the cover on top off to access it; or if he can’t, take it apart.

Hangs up and after a few minutes, he calls back. Says he can’t find it and begins rambling on about how japan’s version is this and that, and he can’t find the bracket. Then he asks about the bumper lights. WTH? I told him that it’s not in the bumper and that it’s inside the light housing. I asked him to take a picture and send it to me to confirm. He said that it’s too much details and he won’t take a picture. WTF? It’s freakin’ easy to take a picture!

I believed that he didn’t look where I told him to. So I said that I can come take a look tomorrow night around 8pm after I get off work.
He agrees and said he’ll be available. I live in West Covina, work in North Hills, and he is in Huntington Beach. Freakin’ far right?

So it’s Friday and I got off at 6:15pm. I texted him and said that I can be there by 8pm. He texts back saying to call him when I’m closer. Cool.
I’m driving south on the 405, hitting some traffic in some spots along the way. I think I’ll make it to him by 7:30. He texts me at 7pm and said that something came up, it’s a no go and that he has a date. Fuck your date! I was upset. I texted back saying, “Serious? We had an agreement to meet since last night. Don’t tell me I drove this far n I lost my chance.” I was in Carson by now. What a flaker! I know how it’s usually the buyers that flake but having a seller flake instead? ESPECIALLY last minute when he knows I’m coming from North Hills and I’m almost there. You can tell your date to wait a few more minutes while you get some money. I can come and pick up my part and be out of your hair in a minute if you need to go somewhere.

This is why I contacted you prior to meeting up so none of this would happen. If you had a date prior to us setting up a time, then tell me so we can reschedule. I can understand.

I exited the freeway and asked him if there’s anyone else there that can handle the transaction. He says no and not to worry. He’ll save the part and to call him tomorrow. I said, “No thanks. I don’t want to drive and have you flake on me again. Thanks for your time. Good luck with your sales.” He texts me back, “good nights call me over the weekend i will discount like 10 dollars for your trouble house at”

Huh? “house at?” This guy is incoherent. Seriously, if you’re selling shit or doing any kind of business, keep your word. Knowing I’m coming from North Hills and you can’t wait a few more minutes? You’re getting money! All I did was wasted my time and gas! Fuck you and have a nice day!

:chill: haha, just saw this emoticon right now. After this, I went to my friend’s house and hookah. Then went to a bar and had a few beers and sliders. This night didn’t end too bad. But still, the principle people, the PRINCIPLE!!

People don’t know now to properly do business… it’s sad and frustrating.

One guy messaged me once asking to take $80 off my listed price if he drove to my location.

why the heck would i comp the guy for travel? His problem he looked in the wrong area for a product.

The guy i bought my bike rack from didnt bring any tools to disassemble the thing when I scheduled a meeting with him at a market, not to mention he never told me he had to work that day so i ended up having to drive another 15 minutes to his work. He’s like yeah he doesnt change out the q clips when mounting it on different cars and I just shake my head. Then the motherfucker says some dude is offering more money after I scheduled a time in the evening to get it from him (me bringing tools). I ended up paying like $20 more (and prob a few more $$ in wasted gas) and picked the thing up after work. Huge headache, but i did get a pretty good piece of kit…worth it i suppose. I posted it some time ago in the purchase thread.

Craigslist is damn frustrating sometimes, but a great place to find deals. Just picked the computer case I’ve been wanting for a while for $50 under, not including tax.

when I list an item on CL half of the emails I get are from Nigerian Scammers. The other half are pretty much this “yO wUtz GooD muH NigGa? I wAnT dAt sHit JoO seLLiN buT dAt PriCe iZ tOo HigH coMe DoWn on DaT n ConSiDa iT SoLd!”

armedferret - you know it!

unified - seriously frustrating!

ez12a - smh, indeed. so did you OFFER to pay $20 more so that you can still meet him up or what? I agree, CL can be a great place to find deals. I just picked up rims tonight. Spent way more than I intended with the guy in my first post but I’m more content now since the deal went smoothly.

Junkman - HAHA! Same here! The Nigerian scammers part… The other half for me is people LOWBALLING like crazy! Like more than 50% of my listed price.

I forgot if I read it here before but I believe someone said something about being a man and one rule is “a deal is a deal.”

yeah the guy was offering $60 more than what we had initially agreed on when i came out the first time. I said that it was unfair for him to make me drive all over the place on my lunch break and then break the deal we had since I would have paid him for it if he had damn tools at the time. He at least “felt bad” and said we still had a deal if i could give $20 more. The whole thing was something around $350 still so I agreed. It was more or less a complete yakima rack with 2 bike mounts (mounts alone worth nearly $200 a piece new) that needed q clips and locks.

lol coincidentally i just came back from meeting someone to sell off my friend’s corsair 400R case. We agreed on a $55 price to meet. He then tries to bargain with me again at the site and I’m nearly fed up (luckily i live only 5 minutes away from the spot). He claims that my friend had removed a bunch of fans from the case and wanted it lower. Thank god I had my smartphone on me to look up newegg to show him not only does it come with 3, but I had in fact included an extra 2. This case was in pretty good condition and was selling for just above 50% retail. give me a damn break! He bought it in the end.

seriously kids on CL,
this is super entertaining to read.
I’ve had my share of CL rants but its kinda my fault for doing business with dumb shits like that. so far g2ic has been good to me so I mostly get all my parts here.