CTEK battery charger or CounterAct rust prevention? Snake Oil or not?

Ok so I didn’t see any threads that mentioned these two items in a Search. I saw these two items on a couple of those “weekend wrench” shows. Anyone have any experience with either of these?

CTEK battery charger

CounterAct rust prevention

I tend to think this one is like the “Turbo your car for $69.99” gimic. :bs:

if the rust preventer was real i think the military would have been using it on planes already and they dont

I am sure they would if it was priced more towards the government, say like $500/unit. :roll: :rimshot:

Anyway, it sounds interesting, I just don’t know how well this works if at all.

I have no actual info on the rust protective thing. However, a friend’s parents car had one of those systems installed, and the car had no rust on it, which was rare for a GM car from the 80s in New York. As was mentioned though, if it was that easy to stop rust, I imagine it would be standard equipment up here.