DA Gauge Set Ups

I was running a boost, oil pressure, and a/f gauge, but recently removed my boost and oil pressure gauge because they were too bright and in my face while on the pillar, I am looking for a new place to put them, where is everyone with a DA running their gauges? pictures please

Pretty sure there is a couple of these threads already man.
I would post mine but I still need to fab a bracket for my deck and swap the rest of the Sunpro garbage with my AutoMeter.
Orignially got sunpro temp/volt/oil but they were very cheap quality and one brokeā€¦So I grabbed some AutoMetersā€¦Just need to put them in. They are on the bottom half of the double-DIN opening. Had to shave some of the plastic to make room for the deck though with the 2 1/16" gauges.