Db1 Trunk Leak

Can anybody help me figure out how to stop a leak on the right of the trunk?

it could be the taillight gaskets

or the sunroof drain plug. It might have cracked or got lossen.

Best way to do this is to dry everything out inside your trunk then a) pour a bucket of water over the hatch and watch it come in or b) sit inside the trunk, close hatch and get a friend to pour the bucket over the hatch.

Its most likely one of these three things:

a) failing tail light gasket
b) antenna tube drain hole is plugged
c) sunroof drain tube/plug clogged/cracked

Your going to need to remove the plastic panal on the “tailgate” part of the trunk as well as remove enough of the plastic screws and holders in the rear side panals to peel the panal out far enough to actually see whats going on in there. (Dont use a screwgun or anything you’ll strip the screws…I think they make them out of blue crayons or something. :bang:)

If you are still having trouble finding the exact path of the water, try blowing like…Baby powder or flour over the metal panal around the tailight and antenna and watch the tracks the water leaves. This shouldn’t be neccesary though really, if you’re watching real time you should see it come in either way.

Hope it helps…

P.S. If you’re car has been hit in the rear in the past, pay close attention to the repaired seams inside the trunk…Shoddy bodywork can cause all sorts of problems as I just learned. (I just finished stopping 7…yes 7!!! effing trunk leaks…All good now though.)