dc and da radiator

are they interchangable?

and also is a “2 core” radiator any good?

and how much better is an aluminum radiator than a regular one…

I’m not a huge expert on radiators, but from what I know about metals, aluminum has a better specific heat capacity (I believe that’s the correct term) than steel does, so a lot of heat can be removed a lot quicker. Many people seem to have good results from transitioning over to an aluminum radiator.

Anyone to add or correct? I’m still quite the n00b and I’m just going off what I’ve gathered from the forums.

As far as a DC rad being used in a DA, I think it can be done without too much effort but I’ve never heard of it being done. The others would probably know.

Just my two cents at helping! Good luck to you man :slight_smile:

DC and DA rads are not 100% interchangeable. You can make it work with some modding I would assume.

Aluminum technically dissipates heat faster. Also, the Aluminum radiator upgrades the appearance of the engine bay as well :smiley:

Let me know if you have any questions!

found out the hard way but…

dc radiators are bigger than da radiators and they do not fit. the bottom connection for the hose is on the opposite side than of the da…

but its all good, i bought an all aluminum radiator for my da. i wanted to get the mishimoto but the one i got was only 120…

As long as it works for you that’s all that matters :slight_smile: congrats on the new rad man! I’m thinking I might go all aluminum sooner or later, DAs run pretty hot in cool weather, let alone summer heat :whew:

yea. my da runs pretty good in the hot weather which is a little surprising i guess. but im going to swap out the thermostat when the aluminum rad goes in. im excited :D:D

And I’m jealous :stuck_out_tongue: good for you man! Enjoy :smiley: