DC Strut Assy. on My DA

My friend gave me a set of Eibach Sportline’s on Tokico Blues because they wouldnt fit his EG because the springs are taller. Will this setup go on my 92 DA? I was thinking of keeping my Nuespeed Race springs which are on there now and just putting on the struts? Will it work?

in order for it to work correctly, as far as the struts you will need the dc2 forks for the front also i know that i had put stock dc2 suspension on the front of mine and it sat about 1" higher then it normaly does, so i am assuming that with drop spring that are 3" you may only get a 2" drop

as far as the backs, the struts will bolt right in i am, however, not sure what will happen as far as ride height

R U On Crack?

Trust me that won’t work, your Neuspeed springs from your DC Will not work on your DA. Yes they will bolt up, you do need the front forks from the DC. But the rear of the DC and the DAs are different, the neuspeed springs will make the rear of your DA sag to shit, and the front will sit higher than the rear. Because the difference in the suspension of a DA and DC is about an inch and a half. i put neuspeed springs from a DC on my DA… bottomed out everytime i went over a bump, the front did sit nice though… but In my opinion you’d be better off selling those springs on ebay then use the money you make off those to get the right springs for your car… but that’s just my 2 cents…

i run a dc suspension on my db2. fits and works just fine. u can use the front forks off a dc or a 92-95 civic. we also ran a dc suspension on my friend’s da, and everything fit just fine. no issues to speak of. granted i use coilovers and konis not just springs.

yes to clear it up with the front forks it works just fine for the struts all the way around, but it WILL NOT work with springs because the rear will sit too low, however, it WILL work with coil-overs because you bascially just turn them up or flip the perch to make up for the 1.5".