ill start with my first one, as it is the main question i ahve.
somewhere on here a found a post the other day that showed a bunch of lips and sideskirts that will fit our cars.
one lip that was listed was the 98-01 type r lip.
is this true?
what bumper does it fit 92-93 or 90-91?
and does anyone have pics?
ive tried searching but all i get is the “da type r style” lip
and ofr my second question
what lip is this? looks almost like a 90-91 type r lip modded onto a 92+ bmper?
it is not a 92-93 type r lip i kno that. does not have the right shape or rolls in it to be that.
Yes, the 98-01 JDM type R lip will fit; w/ some modding, like heat gunning the curves to re-shape them & possibly new mounting holes. The only place I’ve seen it is in a thread on here. just search for lips, or JDM lips. It was on a 92-93 BTW.
That is the “da type r style” lip. It is on a 92-93 bumper & it IS a year specific lip. No 90-91 to 92-93 crossover here. I had the same one on my car.
It’s sittin’ in the garage busted to hell. Ebay for $100 if you want one.
:getsome: :manual:
Corniest quote ever: "Get yours today! JDM is IN!"
i dont think that is it. the type r style lip for hte DAs has diff flow lines and is more rounded than that. that looks more like a 94-95 accord Type R/CTR style
but i may be wrong, camera angles, and how the light hits things can make a big diff.
yea some what 98-01 type r lip fits but haven’t seen it yet…waay easyer if you get the jdm type r front lip and looks nicer too…here’s how it looks like on my old da before i sold it…