Did Brian scam me?

Not making any acusations here, I am just curious on people that have has experences with brian. One guy said he was not pleasent to deal with, but we all make mistakes and I was hoping that that is what this is, but it looks like he is right. On a early Janurary day, it was supposed to be shipped out, and I still don’t have my shift bood and clip or my $10 back. here is the thread.


Tell me what you think. I just want my Boot and clip or my $10. I just pray he doesn’t leave me negitive feedback for remorse if I leave him some. If I get my boot and clip in the shape it was claimed, then neutral is left.

did he ever leave you his #?

he seems to be have extremely questionable selling practices. i asked for pictures of a head and he said he’d get them. that took two weeks, and there was only one picture :hmm:

No he didn’t.

sounds like bad practice to me. I always left all my info to my buyers… unfortunately more than half of them vouched before the MTR threads died :frowning:

Well, I just want my boot and clip, I mean it’s only $10 but it’s the matter of the fact.

I know exactly what you mean… gl mang :up:

I was the one who left him negative feedback for this resaon:

Just about 6 months ago, I showed my friend Fausto aka “sum1kool” the thread where he was selling CRX parts. He was interested in palmy blue rear panels that go next to the privacy cover. Brian was selling them for $15.

Since I am a long time G2IC member, I sent Brian a money order instead of sum1kool (he signed up here a while back but I think he is inactive now).

A week passed and Brian said he forgot to ship them out. This is where the exuses start. First, he later claimed that his mom threw away a bunch of parts. Then soon after that happened, he said he got arrested, so that caused another delay. Fausto would try to IM him but Brian would never respond or claim that he will ship the parts on Monday, but on the condition that we would have to remind him.

Months passed and I asked Fausto he ever got the parts. To my surprise, he got nada. This led me to email Brian to send a money order for $15 since he already cashed the one I sent him.

Here’s an email I sent him then his responses follow (which is the last we heard from him):

[i]Mon, 23 Aug 2004 17:43:43 -0700 (PDT)
“Chris” <silverblueinteg@yahoo.com>
Subject: CRX parts or Money Order Owed to Fausto


It’s been a while (over 2 months) since the attempted
transaction was made for some CRX rear interior parts
to Fausto aka Sum1Kool. The money order was made out
for $15 and as a sign of good gesture please send him
the money back since your mom allegedly threw the
parts away then you were thrown in jail, etc. It’s a
small amount, but it’s mainly the principle and your
reputation on G2IC.

Before you say that this is none of my business, I was
the one that showed him your “For Sale” thread and
also lent him the money and even got the money order
for him.

I hope that this is resolved so that I don’t have to
leave negative feedback on G2IC…especially for $15[/i]

Brian’s responses:

[i]Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:27:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: “Brian Sanford” <Brian1@hondaswap.net>
To:“Chris” <silverblueinteg@yahoo.com>

Subject: Re: CRX parts or Money Order Owed to Fausto


I agree, I shouldve have sent him the money back. I though Fausto and I
had settled the situation. I told him I sent him a money order for $15
to him but it was lost in teh mail. Its not big deal, I will simply
send him another money order again. Im not trying to rip anyone off or
step on anyoens feet. My step mom is a raging bitch, you would understand
if you met her. Ill stop making excuses and the MO will be sent at the
latest next Wednesay. If you do not recieve it by next Friday (a week
from tomorrow) feel free to leave negative feedback.


Still no money order:

[I]— Brian Sanford <Brian1@hondaswap.net> wrote:

> Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 17:58:21 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Brian Sanford <Brian1@hondaswap.net>
> To: Chris <silverblueinteg@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: CRX parts or Money Order Owed to Fausto
> Chris
> I need an address to send the money back… sorry
> for the delay…
> Brian [/i]

I wonder why he is asking for an address to send the money order to when he already should have had it when I sent the money order.

I cc’d this to Fausto so he could give Brian the address, but Brian never responded and never followed through to send out the $15 money order.

Brian, If you’re out there, you imput would be appriciated. I know your a busy boy and your mom is unfair, but I need these parts. It’s embarasing not to have that crap on my car. Please Brian, I need my money or my part. Paypal will be contacted if you do not respond by 11:59p 01/20/2005.

Paypal was contacted, and Negitive feedback will likely be left.

Member brian has owed me 40 dollars for about 6 months now and I want my money back. I sent him 60 dollars for two parts in July of 2004. He sent me one part and said that he would refund me 40 dollars for the other part. I have all the email converstions between he and I. Last I heard from him he said he was waiting for some one to send him money for an ecu and then he would pay me back. THAT WAS A MONTH AGO AND I AM STILL WAITING!!!

Just thought fellow g2ic’ers would want to know about this mess. So please be careful and think twice when doing business with this guy.

I’d like to warn fellow g2icers to not buy or sell to member Brian. He has kept 40 dollars of mine for a part that was never sent to me.

:mad: He really is starting to piss me off.

Does anyone else have a bad buying or selling experience with this guy?

Now he gave me bad feedback because I gave him bad feedback. Neil, if your out there can you please remove it. I have nothing but perfect selling/buying practices. Ask around, and let the records show that my paypay account it certified or confirmed or something like that and my address is on there (I payed him with paypal). Thanks for your time.

Neil: Please remove my negitive feedback. And let me be the second to say Ban Brian!

Thank you for removing the negitive feedback!

Can we BAN this guy. Bad sellers need to be BANNED so they cannot fuck over another member.

3 people that I am aware of want Brain banned.

sure… :wave:

I am just happy the negitive feedback was removed, and I want to persuade everybody to stay away from brian.