does anyone sell just bumper lens gaskets?

This isn’t a WTB post, just wondering if i’m looking in the wrong place or what, i can’t find them. Mine are all condensed inside, looks lame…

just use some household silicone from homedepot

Originally posted by XDEep
just use some household silicone from homedepot
There is no gasket between the lense and the housing. Just run a bead of silicone over it and you’re good to go.

i’m assuming you have a 90-91, if so there is a gasket between the lense and housing. if its a 92-93 then its one piece, go here if you want to buy just the gasket:

its number 8 in the pic. $2.35 each.

hey spikeymike do you have the speedometer picture i need to see what part i need to get my speed ometer working again i think i just need the c clip but i am not sure.


I’ve been asked numerous times where to buy this gasket!

Originally posted by low91teg
hey spikeymike do you have the speedometer picture i need to see what part i need to get my speed ometer working again i think i just need the c clip but i am not sure.

not a very good pic of it

kewl thanks man

i’ve got a '93, but when i cook my tails to get that water out i’ll cook the bumpers too, and get some silicone … thanks :smiley: