Door won't close all the way

My drivers door won’t close all the way. It’s like it latches but won’t latch all the way tight. Any ideas? Yeah, I checked if anything was in the way, seatbelt, weatherstripping, etc.

adjust the striker latch,2 large phillips head bolts on door jamb

Is that the one that is bright silver? And the screws are horizontal to eachother? Also, it happened overnight. I was looking at the door and it looked adjar.

yes that is the one, if that doesnt work, check the hindges by removing the fender.

funny thing is just last week I sprayed some wd40 on the hinge cuz it was creaking like crazy. I also put some bulb grease, cuz that’s all I had, on the slider in the door jam.

Fixed it!! Thanks 4 ur help!