DRIVING ME CRAZY! Removing 1 Nut from fenders!

So i’m removing my fenders, and theres 1 nut thats holding me back from the glorious feeling of having them off, and the fury of having them still on.

Theres one nut that I cant get to, thats placed behind the screw sockets inside the wheel well that hold on the bumper. I’m going crazy becuase I can’t figure out how to get the screw socket assembly off!

Please someone help, i’m going apeshit trying to get this thing off!

This is like Deja Vu all over again.

How’d you end up getting the bitch off?


Oh, and take off the front bumper.

2 screws by the wheel well (each side), 2 bolts behind the bumper lights (each side), and the plastic screw clips under the front bumper.
You probaly dont need to do that if you’re just trying to get to that last bolt anyway.

Once you take out the 4 bolt and 4 screws the whole front bumper should drop.

That’s it.

im the biggest dumbshit,

I didn’t even think of using a wrench. Off to try it, pictures after!