Ebay camber kits anyone?

Anyone run ebay camber kits? My ride is pretty lowered on F&F type 1’s with about a -3 camber front & rear. I don’t have the funds right now to spend over $300 on skunk2 camber kits so I was looking into adjustable control arms & a rear kit as well off ebay.

ive been running the ebay front control arms for almost a year now…and its been a rough 20k miles too…the streets in my city as miserable and im pretty low as well…

For what it’s worth, please be wary about buying inferior suspension parts from unknown sources. Suspension, brake, etc. components are all related to safety and it’s not something I would feel okay about “cheaping out” on.

don’t do it!

Ebay kits don’t always offer a lot of adjustment, along with inferior ball joints and boots…Spend the money, go skunk2 and call it a day. You will thank yourself.

I agree with everything said here… some ebay stuff is ok, but when it comes to suspension, steering control etc… that 100-200 bucks you save now could well cost you what the reputable parts cost and then some when they fail if not cost you your life.

Things I have heard from others in my area that tried using the cheap camber kits… 1 guy swears by them except for the lack of adjustability. 2 others shit canned em when they bent or had screws strip out of them… 1 other had the ball joint go to shit pretty quick.

Like I said I’m all for saving a buck here and there, but over all there are some things I’d just as soon wait on and do right.

that is my .02 :slight_smile:

I actually like how durable the eBay camber kits are for our cars. I’m on my second set now. My first set lasted for a surprising 2 years before the bushings were bad.

Either Skunk2 or Ingalls . Go ahead and save your own life or someone elses. Ive seen to many alignments trying to be done on modified cars with ebay parts and they fall apart easily or run out of adjustment and just pop loose. They have no R&D, they are put together to make a quick buck. Imagine driving on the road and it comes apart, leaving your wheel to wobble and steer you in any direction it pleases

well after a year of ebay i’m done, my skunk2 pro series kit will be here this week

what happened?

ball joints crapped out awhile ago, but now they rattle so bad its like i have change in the front of my car, the adjustment on them sucks as well…the skunk2 has 5mm more clearance, a year warranty and the ball joints are easily just bought and replaced…yea i spent like $70 on an ebay one, but i think i’m gonna be glad i just spent $220 on the skunk2

eBay front = yes. The Skunk2 replacement ball joints will go right in if the one provided goes out. eBay rear = NO. I’ve seen some cases where they break and after a lot of looking around people tend to be very unhappy with them.

I have eBay fronts with Energy Suspension boots. All good so far and it’s been 3 or 4 months I’d say