You’re right. I just read through the manual and came here to state the same thing. I have the wiring manual too. I’m going to take a look at that to see if there could be any more clues.
Here are the images from the wiring manual. Any ideas? I may have to step through the Helms troubleshooting process again. I have an aftermarket solenoid and EGR valve now. I’m wondering if I have too many variables. I don’t have specs on the solenoid nor the valve to determine if they function using the same voltage/vacuum parameters.
My Spanish is too basic to understand that video but I think I understand what he was doing.
Weird thing: I just realized that my 7.5A ECU backup fuse has been blown. I don’t know how long it’s been like this. I’ll see if that clears my ECU light.
ECU light was still on this morning but I’ll check when I get home today to see if it’s blown. I haven’t driven the car much due to the heat lately (car has no AC)
So no change at all. I may have to look into voltages while the car is running to see if I can pinpoint the mismatch. Maybe the valve I bought is completely incompatible.
Just wanted to state that I’m still interested in perhaps using a resistor to fool the ECU into thinking the EGR valve is working and blocked off the EGR valve port altogether (metal). But I need to spend some time working on how the voltage changes during operation. Apparently, some Nissans are able to fool their EGR systems by looping in a resistor in the wiring to the ECU. I’m hoping we can do something similar.
Just so that I’m not messing with the ECU, I’m going to try to emplace a 5V source that goes between the White/Yellow and Green/White wires on the ECU-EGR terminal. If I’m reading the Helms right, that’s what should keep the CEL from coming on.
If that works, I’ll work on a plate to block off the EGR valve, and maybe a self-contained cap for the unused harness (but one that will accommodate the 5V wiring)
Give me an update if that works I’ve also had a code 12 that doesn’t seem to go away lol
I wish I could just wire it together and just take all that vacuum crap outta there. It shouldn’t be causing this much trouble geez.