Emblem Install - Mounting Tape Tips

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert. This is how I was advised to do it from a friend who is a mechanic.

What you need:

  • 3M Scotch Outdoor Mounting Tape
  • Single Hole Punch
  • Razor Blade
  • Cutting Surface with Edge


  • Clean emblem with warm soapy water to remove any dirt and oils that may prevent the tape from sticking. Let it dry completely.
  • With emblem facing down, touching only the pins on the back of emblem, center a strip of tape a little wider than the length of the emblem, sticky side down. Let the tape touch only the pins! Try to keep the tape straight with minimal slack in between the pins.
  • Remembering which way the tape will go back on, carefully remove the tape off the pins and use the hole punch where the pins indented the tape.
  • Before sticking it back on the emblem, float the tape over it making sure it is centered top to bottom, and both pins will go through the holes.
  • Starting from one side, slowly apply the tape to the emblem. Once it is all on, smooth it down and let it sit for a while (I let it sit for 30 minutes). You want the tape to have a solid bond with the emblem to make the cutting process easier.
  • With the emblem facing up, trace the edges with a sharp razor at an angle where you are cutting a little bit under the emblem. You want to cut with the emblem flush on the cutting surface. To do this, I used the edges of the cutting surface to offset the pins. Go slow and maintain control of the blade so you do not cut into the emblem (or yourself!).
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  • Awesome! I used 3m emblem glue, and now I wish I had seen this thread before hand. haha.

    3M molding tape works as well. Available at any Autozone or Oreillys.


    And I would probably recommend using an X-acto knife instead. It is much sharper and the blade is thinner, making it easier to cut in the small areas.

    I think that both tapes pictured above are the same stuff, just marketed to different clientele and thus in different packaging. And looks like that “molding” tape isn’t as wide as the other stuff, which could be good or bad depending on what you’re trying to stick to the car.

    That’s the same stuff I’ve been using for 10+ yrs. It works great. And actually it’s the exact same tape that Honda uses. Once I was at the dealership getting some parts and there were some brand new side moldings from a TL or something laying on the counter. They come preinstalled w/ adhesive from the factory, so I inspected them to see what type it was. Sure enough, gray 3M double sided tape.

    When I removed the side moldings from my Mazda3, they used the same grey double sided tape as well.

    Added picture of emblem installed.

    I agree, that would have made it much easier.

    that’s cool…i did mine differently. i placed 3M tape in 4 places, 2 top and 2 on the sides, made sure the area was clean, which it was (freshly painted) and pressed it on w/ pressure.

    Used that stuff to reattach my friend’s Mitsu diamonds after painting it red, been through rain and snow, multiple automatic car washes, very hot/cold weather and it still feels as solid as the day i placed it on. Just make sure you don’t miss the placement, there’s usually no second chance with the same adhesive lol (learned the hard way)