Just a quick question on removing my exterior door handle. I have removed the 2 nuts and the ‘U’ shaped pin that holds the lock on but i can’t seem to remove the wire that attaches to the handle. Does it just pop out or is there a trick to removing it? Any help appreciated.
the fitting on top pops out of the plastic sleeve… its best to use a pair of pliers or vice grips to push the metal pin though the plastic as its a PITA to di with your hands.
also, im assuming you are going to put some rear 4door handles in, make sure you dont unscew the metal fitting from the metal rod or you will throw off your door latch mechanism. it will need to be adjusted a lil anyway but the less u mess with it the better.
also… some tips say to just bend the metal clip on the new handles… i found it much much MUCH better to cut it off so it doesnt hit the inside skin.
you will see what i mean anyway.
if yer just shaving them completely… the rod unscrews from the handle too. lol
So do you just force the wire back through the plastic and through the hole or do you have to pull the plastic out to let the wire through? I’m having alot of trouble trying to get it out…
big pair of pliers or vice grips… use them to press the plastic and metal rod out as one piece…
Thanks for the help, got it out this time.