Fast Blinker - Help

Just yesterday I noticed that when I turn on my left blinker it blinks at least twice as fast as it used to. I also noticed that the front left signal light is not working.

Is this a fuse or light problem? Thoughts? I’d like to get some insight before I buy a new bulb and take off the lens, etc. Thanks!

It means your bulb is burned out. Simple as that. It blinks twice as fast because there is less load on the flasher circuit and thus releases it’s coil surplus engergy faster (if you want a somewhat technical explanation).

Sometimes corrosion between the bulb and contact prongs prevents a good conduction so double check to make sure that the bulb harness contacts haven’t rusted and if so, simply sand them down a bit till you see shiny metal again.

Ahh damn i want double blinking turn signals!

I thought car manufacturers did that on purpose to tell you when a bulb was out, there is an actual electrical reason though?

All it needed was a new bulb, thanks!

so thats what happened when i hit the curb at sonic…and thats why its been blinking super fast…