Hey all, I just bought a new antenna for my car! It’s gonna be nice getting reception. So anyways, It’s an “amplified” antenna and needs to be wired into a power source. Where would be a good place to do this? I don’t know anything about splicing wires. The dude at the store said to put it into an extra slot in my fuse box?
The wire that I’m asking about looks a lot like speaker wire, if that helps. It is black rubber coated with silver and copper wire sticking out the end.
Anybody want to help? I searched but can’t find anything on it.
Originally posted by Austinwitha91LS
[B]Hey all, I just bought a new antenna for my car! It’s gonna be nice getting reception. So anyways, It’s an “amplified” antenna and needs to be wired into a power source. Where would be a good place to do this? I don’t know anything about splicing wires. The dude at the store said to put it into an extra slot in my fuse box?
The wire that I’m asking about looks a lot like speaker wire, if that helps. It is black rubber coated with silver and copper wire sticking out the end.
Anybody want to help? I searched but can’t find anything on it.
The antenna is a glass-mount type, if that helps. [/B]
Hi, i just bought a glass mount antenna too that i will mount on the hatch. It is amplified as well and i know what wire you are talking about. The guy at the store i bough it from told me i can hook up the “power” wire on the plug that powers the motor or the auto antenna (if your car came with it). I haven’t done it yet, hopefully soon. HTH.
Using your antenna up/down switch from the deck as a power source is a good idea, but if you don’t have that, yes you can plug it into a slot on the fuse box.
If you look at the fuse box by your feet in front of the driver’s seat, above the fuses you will see a few blade-type male connectors. Use a test light to figure out which is which. One’s constant power (it will be live all the time), the other is an accessory power outlet (it will only be live with the key turned to Acc or On).
Put a female connector on the end of your wire and plug it into the accessory outlet on the fusebox.