fixing a minor oil leak?

replaced my oil pan recently and now i have a small oil leak in random spots, i torqued down all my pan bolts to spec. I just bought a stp stop oil treatment and im about to use it, if anybody has had any problems with this id like to know now before i mess something up.

no i havent but maybe u need a new gasket…

did you change your oil pan gasket at the same time? because your suppose to. and with a new gasket, you shouldn’t have leaks.

yeah and also if you tightened in the wrong sequence it will leak. and did you use the right torque on the pan bolts? a new gasket is a must also.

take the old gasket off and make sure there is no peices sticking to the block from where the old gasket was. i use a wire brush to clean the surface off and then apply the new gasket, you might want to purchase a haynes/ snap-on manual. they can be purchased at your local auto parts store or online. the manual will tell you the exact order to tighten the bolts in and what to torque them at.

yea bought a new oil pan gasket (of Course!) but no i didnt tighten in sequence.:worry: i already have a tech book, but was in a rush so i didnt look at how to tighten it… yea im a dumbass. but lately the leak has slowed down dramatically so ill get back under there and snug the bolts down in the proper sequence

oil pan gaskets are a PITA…cuz if you you somehow tighten them wrong, or out of specs, then they leak easily. so…you have to dump out all the oil and try again if you messed up.

Is this a Honda gasket? or a fel-pro gasket you find in pepboys? Felpro gaskets suck. Some people here with bad experiences and no positives. Honda OEM for gaskets is a good rule of thumb.

also, the gasket is supposed to be applied dry. No sealant needed. A crisscross tightening of nuts is to prevent the gasket from squeezing out like you have experienced.

ok yea im a real dumbass its oem honda gasket, i used i little hondabond on the outside portion of the gasket, oilpan side… i really dont wanna take off the ex. mani. and crossmember all over again to get the pan off. ill wait and see if it stops.

your suppose to put a real small beed of silicone on the block side.