For those who remember Officer Rivieri...

I found his (former) sweet whip.

I also totally horsehead photobombed some big group picture at the inner harbor tonight. Heh.

Well they didn’t film on Friday because of the weather, but last night (Saturday night) I made my Network Prime-Time Television Debut™.

Episode is set to air sometime in the summer, July maybe? They weren’t entirely sure. Just be on the lookout for a horse head on the episode filmed in Baltimore. Airing o/a 8 July. We were sitting right behind family members of some guy who competed, and when they were all up cheering for him, there was a camera on them the whole time. I just stood up and stared creepily. :up:

This is now a horse head thread.

Does that fold up into your pocket?

They do. At least the unicorn one did :wink:

…or maybe i’m just happy to see you.

What kind of knot is that on the rope nearest to the camera? Looks tedious.

the kind they use on tourist-y “pirate ships” made out of fiberglass?

So that’s not even a real cannon?

St. Mary’s coxcomb.

We have them all over the handrails on our ship.

i know, right? total bullshit.

[QUOTE=Ban Births;2294484]St. Mary’s coxcomb.

We have them all over the handrails on our ship.[/QUOTE]

I thought you were messing with me. Looks like it is designed to increase grip as a hand hold?